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Meet Compliance Requirements & Support Audit Activities

Facilitate compliance with internal security policies and regulatory requirements without the headache of manual processes.

The Challenge: Navigating the Multi-Cloud Compliance Maze

Managing and maintaining compliance across a multi-cloud ecosystem is no small ask, especially with the diversity of tools, access processes, and security policies across infrastructure providers. When it comes time to conduct an audit to verify compliance with internal security policies or even regulatory requirements, teams run into several challenges:

  • Inconsistent Access Controls — Maintaining consistent access controls and enforcement across diverse cloud environments leads to policy drift or gaps in security and compliance.
  • Lack of Unified Visibility — With discrete processes and provisioning platforms, auditing, evaluating, and attesting to access across multi-cloud and hybrid environments becomes time-consuming and prone to blind spots. 
  • Over-Privileged Access — Excessive permissions granted to users in different environments can lead to security vulnerabilities and compliance issues.
  • Slow, Manual Access Processes — Manual processes for requesting, provisioning, and managing access are time-consuming and prone to error, resulting in inefficiencies, compliance gaps, or workarounds that exacerbate the problem.


Visibility into Access Governance and Compliance

Reduce the time spent gathering logs and data for privileged access across the environment. Cloud-native tools facilitate security without sacrificing the speed and efficiency that teams expect in modern environments.

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Streamlined, Centralized Management

Permissions are managed and accessed through a single platform, ensuring consistency of security policy configuration and enforcement while eliminating complex, manual processes.

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Identity-Focused Access Logs

Auditable logs of which identities have access to which resources and when each permission was used across cloud environments streamline attestations, audits, and other compliance activities.

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Granular, Policy-Controlled Access

Permissions are defined by policies, enabling highly granular control without losing flexibility or visibility. Define identity attributes to allow automatic access to permissions, require approvals before access, or enforce additional security controls like MFA challenges, time of day limits, or IP address restrictions.

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Cloud-Conscious Dynamic Access Controls

Access is provisioned dynamically according to the needs of teams building in rapidly changing cloud environments. Permissions are granularly and ephemerally granted, reducing the risk of static and over-privileged authorization.

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Seamless Cloud-Native Integrations

Britive’s API-first design simplifies deployment and management for seamless integration within your existing environment, tools, and workflows.

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Secure Kubernetes (K8s) Cluster Access

Give teams an easy-to-use, rapid way to work securely with dynamic role-based access control (RBAC) for any K8s cluster.