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Mitigate Identity & Access Risk with Zero Trust

Implement a true Zero Trust approach to cloud security with JIT, ephemeral permissions and a defense-in-depth approach that’s seamless to use.

Security Approaches Need to Adapt to the Cloud

With the dynamic, rapidly changing nature of modern cloud and hybrid environments, security must go beyond protecting the perimeter. There’s an old security saying “trust, but verify”. Zero Trust takes this a step further by asserting you should “never trust, always verify”. Unfortunately, there is a lot of misleading and confusing information that says Zero Trust equates to validating an identity every time a resource is accessed. This authentication-focused approach is a good start, but it doesn’t go nearly far enough.

A true Zero Trust approach requires organizations to go beyond validating identities. There must also be validation that the identity is allowed to perform an action after authentication into the resource. Said another way, you must verify if the identity has proper authorization (in the form of permissions or entitlements). The most secure way to do this is by decoupling authentication from authorization, only granting authorization just-in-time on a temporary basis (zero standing privileges), and limiting authorization to just the needed permissions (least-privileged access).

Zero Trust can mitigate risks associated with identity and access, such as:

  • Shared or multi-use user and machine accounts with statically assigned permissions.
  • Over-privileged accounts for access to sensitive data and resources.
  • "Always on" administrator or superadmin accounts that are only used occasionally.
  • Lack of visibility into provisioning and access, resulting in complicated and time-consuming audits and other compliance requirements.


Achieving Zero Trust Security without Sacrificing Speed and Flexibility

Britive’s ability to separate authorization from authentication positions us as a foundational piece of a Zero Trust security architecture. Our approach balances the speed and flexibility of the cloud with enterprise-grade security. Users across teams get the access they need when they need it, while security can enforce least-privileged access through granular, policy-controlled permissions.

[ 001 ]

Dynamic, Ephemeral Access

Users quickly get temporary, time-bound access to the resources they need when they need it, removing the risk of standing privileges and reducing potential impacts from a breach.

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Granular Role and Attribute-Based Policy Enforcement

Adapt access management according to individual projects, environments, and other specific needs without complex configuration processes or implementation. Segment permissions so users can have only enough permissions for the task at hand.

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Defense in Depth

Use policies to require approval or additional MFA challenges when users request high-risk access such as superadmin. Restrict access to permissions based on factors like time of day, calendar date, or IP address.

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Improved Visibility and Auditability

Automatically log important identity and access data, including who accessed what resources, when, who approved access, and other important data.

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Seamless Cloud-Native Integrations

Britive’s API-first design simplifies deployment and management for seamless integration within your existing environment, tools, and workflows.

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Secure Kubernetes (K8s) Cluster Access

Give teams an easy-to-use, rapid way to work securely with dynamic role-based access control (RBAC) for any K8s cluster.