Britive Security & Architecture
As a security provider, Britive understands the deep trust our customers place in us. Security is a core part not just of our product but how we operate. In fact, we use Britive to ensure our identities—team members and non-human ones—are secure.
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Britive Security Platform Design
Zero Standing Privileges
Britive helps us reduce our risk by eliminating static access and standing privileges. Privileges are applied just-in-time (JIT) and automatically revoked after a policy-controlled time period.
Least-Privileged Access
Britive’s granular access policies ensure only the right amount of access is available to authorized users and non-human identities (NHIs).
Segregation of Duties
Approval workflows enforce strict segregation of duties and provide a detailed audit trail of all access-related activity.

Committed to Security
Our security program was developed using security controls that map to International Organization for Standardization (ISO/IEC) 27002, National institute of Standard and Technology (NIST) 800-53, and Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) Cloud Control Matrix v4.
We are SOC 2 Type 2 Compliant
Britive has maintained SOC2 Type 2 certification since early in our company history. This is verified annually by an independent audit firm. We’re happy to make this available upon request and execution of a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).
We are CSA Star Level One
Cloud Security Alliance STAR — the Security, Trust, Assurance, and Risk (STAR) — registry is a publicly accessible database that documents the security and privacy controls provided by popular cloud computing offerings.
We Are an AWS Well-Architected Platform
AWS Foundation Technical Review (FTR) helps identify which AWS Well-Architected best practices apply to Britive's platform. The best practices are specific controls and process recommendations that help AWS remain secure and available. The Britive platform has passed the bi-annual FTR process.

Security & Design
Britive Platform Design: Secure, Scalable, Resilient
The Britive Platform is a modern, cloud native, microservices implementation following AWS Well-Architected framework guidelines. Following this framework, Britive implements architecture designed for both security and operational resilience.
Britive’s SaaS platform is architected for high availability and resilience. We leverage AWS’s native capabilities and geographically distributed data centers to ensure highest levels of performance with minimal risk of disruption to service. For additional disaster recovery (DR) protection, Britive also maintains a multi-region failover, where a standby deployment in a different AWS region can quickly take over in the rare event of a regional outage. This redundancy and automatic failover ensures continuous availability even in extreme failure scenarios.
Britive’s architecture is also highly flexible. For businesses that require even highermore custom level of availability and resilience, Britive offers advanced options to enable dedicated standby services, ensuring mission-critical workloads remain operational under the most demanding conditions.
Data Encryption and Customer Data Segregation
All data processed by the Britive platform is encrypted at rest and in transit. Britive uses multi-layer encryption to segregate customer data and environments. For additional security, Britive also offers the following options to its customers:
Dedicated infrastructure, separate from all other Britive customers. This infrastructure is still managed by Britive as a SaaS platform.
Bring Your Own Key (BYOK) option that allows customers to create and manage their own encryption keys for their dedicated Britive infrastructure.
Secure Software Development Lifecycle
Britive follows Secure SDLC process for the development of our platform. This software development process is based on the NIST 800-218 control framework and Open Web Application Security Project’s Software Assurance Maturity Model (OWASP SAMM).
All changes to the code require peer review. Extensive manual and automated testing—including multiple types of security scanning—are performed for each release. We enforce strict separation of duties between development and DevOps to ensure no single person can make a change to the Britive platform.
The Britive platform infrastructure is implemented using infrastructure as code (IaC). The Britive build pipeline is fully automated and no elements of our production infrastructure are deployed manually. IaC changes are authorized, developed, tested, and deployed following the same SDLC process as application code.
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Have additional questions about how we handle security? Reach out for additional details.