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Scientific Equipment and Services Company Continues Secure Innovation

June 2024  /  3 min. read   /  
Britive team

Global equipment and services leader servicing organizations across the scientific field, tapped into Britive to streamline its cloud access management processes across AWS, Azure, and GCP.

Britive was deployed rapidly, fully integrating into global production processes in less than 3 weeks.

The platform's automated provisioning process unified access for over 3000 developers, simplified the complexity of access across their multi-cloud environment, and improved the client’s security posture by eliminating standing permissions for more than 2000 administrative roles.

The Challenges

  • Siloed access processes across multi-cloud environment (AWS, Azure, and GCP).
  • Complex access management and overly-permissive static access resulted from difficulties in managing developer access needs with security requirements.
  • Time-consuming process to address static access was difficult to scale and maintain existing cloud access.

The customer primarily utilizes Amazon Web Services along with Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform as cloud service providers. As their multi-cloud environment grew, the customer established siloed cloud access processes for each cloud provider.

Not initially realizing the complexity and business strain this approach would create for its cloud and security teams, customer stakeholders were left with the inability to link its developer cloud access needs to the appropriate security requirements, resulting in complexity cascading into administrative roles and access being provisioned in a static and overly-permissive fashion.    

This in turn introduced significant risk to the business and required additional weekly labor to manually clean-up and respond to developer cloud access requests in a bespoke fashion. In a nutshell, this siloed, CSP-specific approach would not scale.   

The Solution

  • Britive was deployed as a unified platform to grant, configure, and provision multi-cloud roles and permissions securely and at scale.
  • Removed standing risk with patented, ephemeral just-in-time access methodology. Time-bound access exists only when a user requests it and is revoked when a user is done with their task or after a set period of time.
  • Removed siloed cloud processes, complexity, and risk exposure, eliminating high-risk standing entitlements and global admin accounts while speeding up granting developer access.
  • Future-proofed cloud access with sustainable security guardrails that do not impede existing workflows.

The team looked to Britive for a unified platform that would automate the frustrating process of granting, configuring, and provisioning multi-cloud roles and permissions at scale, securely.  

Leveraging Britive’s patented Just-In-Time (JIT) multi-cloud access framework, the client deployed Britive to successfully remove siloed cloud access processes, complexity and risk exposure that multi-cloud usage introduces at scale. Moreover, by using Britive, the client eliminated the exposure of standing, high risk entitlements for cloud users and global admin accounts while improving the speed of access to cloud infrastructure for its developers.   

By deploying Britive, the client has both accelerated and future-proofed their cloud adoption—in AWS and other CSPs—with sustainable security guardrails that align to the business needs of both their CTO and CISO organizations.    

Key Britive Impacts

  • Britive centralizes cloud access management in a single platform, reducing complexity and eliminating siloed processes across cloud providers. 
  • Deployed into global production environment in 3 weeks — the fastest cybersecurity deployment in the company's history.
  • Britive improved client security posture by removing standing access from over 2000+ admin roles in AWS, eliminating the risk caused by this growing attack vector. 
  • Streamlined access processes freed up additional time and resources spent on manual provisioning.
  • Automated AWS and GCP access for 3000+ developers.
  • Simplified cloud access processes ensure client team’s ability to continue innovating and growing at scale.