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Biotech Research Organization Transforms Access and Permissioning

June 2024  /  3 min. read   /  
Britive team

A biotech research organization utilizes Britive’s cloud PAM solution to enable the agility and flexibility needed to utilize the full capabilities of their cloud environment while meeting strict security demands to protect access to critical data and systems. Britive unifies and simplifies complex, siloed processes and tooling across the multi-cloud landscape to eliminate redundant costs while freeing up organizational resources.

The Problem

  • Sensitive health and research information requires strict compliance.
  • Manual access management resulted in time-consuming processes across the organization.
  • Lengthy employee and contractor on- and off-boarding.

Biotech, pharmaceutical research, medical devices, and contract research organizations (CROs) are often some of the fastest-innovating companies operating under some of the most stringent compliance and regulation requirements. 

The client operates in this space as a company that provides services for organizations ranging from small & mid-size pharma to startups and entrepreneurs in biotech. 

When dealing with personal health information, intellectual property, and other highly sensitive research or trial data, the client must strike a balance between fully utilizing the cloud’s speed and storage capabilities while maintaining the data’s utmost security. 

Strict security and privacy requirements resulted in time-consuming processes and lots of manual requests for changes in permissions from the CEO, resulting in an inefficient use of time and roadblocks to onboarding and off-boarding employees and contractors. 

The Solution

  • Simplified privileged access management, with permissions expiring after project conclusion.
  • Dynamic, flexible permissioning according to project requirements.
  • Eliminated manual processes to update permissions.

Manage Access Across Projects 

The client typically has multiple projects running simultaneously, with different contractors and employees that need access to different data and resources that need to be handled and kept securely. 

Britive simplifies the process of managing these regularly changing permissions. Rather than manually granting and remembering to revoke access at the project’s end, permissions can be provided with start and end times corresponding with the project’s duration. 

Granular, Policy-Based Access Control 

Britive offers dynamic and flexible permissioning that can be customized according to the organization’s policies and requirements. 

Our patented, ephemeral just-in-time (JIT) methodology allows admins to grant users access to specific data, resources, and applications across the cloud environment according to their role within each project. 

The access’s time-bound, auto-revoking nature also ensures that credentials aren’t exposed if employees or contractors access sensitive data on public networks or non-company devices. 

Automate and Streamline Time-Consuming Processes 

Before Britive, access to different cloud resources and environments was handled directly by the CEO. Permissions would have to be set and adjusted manually with any changes to a project’s scope or duration. 

Britive removed the burden of manually making changes and cleared up the menial tasks that took up chunks of the day. 

Britive's Impact

  • Continued Cost-Savings — These security and operational efficiencies not only mitigate the risk of potentially costly data breaches but also lower cyber insurance premiums for additional cost savings.  
  • Improved Security Posture — Britive enhances the client’s security with granular, policy-based access control and automated compliance, significantly reducing the risk of unauthorized data access and breaches. 
  • Streamlined Operations — By automating access management, Britive streamlines client operations for efficient provisioning and deprovisioning to free up key personnel and empower employees with the resources they need.