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Cloud Data Management Solution Scales Cloud Access Management

November 2022  /  1 min. read   /  
Britive team

Data management software company wanted to scale on AWS and other cloud service providers but needed a resilient and dynamic process for managing privileged entitlements. Britive’s JIT permissioning eliminated high-risk static privileges and automated both human and non-human access requests.

The Challenges

  • Had over 200 AWS accounts that needed to be secured without impeding development speed 
  • Multiple IAM tools created cloud silos and introduced redundancy and operational inefficiency 
  • Wanted unified access for all identities, both human and automations running in the cloud 

The Solution

  • Britive deployed in less than 1 month, integrating across cloud service providers and SaaS applications 
  • PyBritive allowed for seamless integration with DevOps processes and rapid tool adoption 
  • Eliminated redundant security tools and complexities in IAM management 

Key Britive Impacts

  • Unified privileged access across AWS and other cloud services into a single platform and process. 
  • 600% increase in number of secured cloud environments. 
  • Improved cloud resource management efficiency with API integrations