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Automobile Manufacturer Implements Resilient, Scalable JIT Access

November 2022  /  1 min. read   /  
Britive team

Leading automobile manufacturer dismantled home-built just-in-time (JIT) solution with limited support, functionality, and scalability. With Britive, the team enabled a zero standing privilege model with advanced data analytics for privilege right-sizing. 

The Challenges

  • Data-heavy services model required powerful cloud solution for scalability and management. 
  • Managing privileged access securely and efficiently was a big challenge. 
  • Solution built in-house was not efficient to maintain and integrate. 

The manufacturer was introducing a mobility services business model, offering personalized, localized predictive data to enhance their customers’ driving experience. Handling the large scale of these data sets for vehicles and whole fleets was a challenge for the client. 

Their team built a resilient, scalable, and cost-optimized platform using AWS, but they were looking for a way to grant access efficiently across their cloud environment without impacting their existing tools. 

The Solution

  • Secured dynamic, granular access across cloud resources 
  • Supported scalability needs with out-of-the-box integrations 
  • Eliminate long-lived credentials and improved workflow visibility 

Key Britive Impacts

  • Reduced user onboarding from 3 days to 30 minutes 
  • Converted 100k+ AWS privileges and static API keys to an ephemeral JIT access model 
  • 100k+ standing admin privileges converted to zero standing privileges