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5 Simple Ways Innovative Tech Decision-Makers Can Streamline DevOps Security

September 2023  /  4 min. read   /  
Britive Team

DevOps has emerged in the last few years as the ultimate game-changer, driving agility and efficiency across the software development lifecycle. However, the fast-paced nature of DevOps can leave security teams struggling to keep up. Enter DevOps security, the vital bridge between speed and safety. In this blog post, we'll explore five simple yet highly effective ways innovative tech decision-makers can streamline DevOps security. 

1. Embrace Zero Trust Principles 

In an era where the perimeter is increasingly porous, relying on traditional security models is a recipe for disaster. Zero Trust is the answer, and it's not just a buzzword. According to Britive's 2023 Annual Cloud Access Report, organizations embracing Zero Trust principles experienced a significant reduction in security breaches. 

The core concept of Zero Trust is simple: trust nothing and no one, regardless of their location. Instead of granting wide-ranging access, adopt a "never trust, always verify" approach. This means that every user, device, and application must continuously authenticate and validate their access, even if they're already inside the network. 

Implementing Zero Trust can streamline DevOps security by reducing attack vectors and minimizing the risk of lateral movement within your environment. Consider technologies like micro-segmentation and identity and access management (IAM) solutions to enforce Zero Trust. 

2. Shift Left: Integrate Security Early 

DevOps' mantra is "shift left," which means moving tasks and processes to an earlier stage in the development cycle. For DevOps security, this translates to integrating security practices from the inception of a project. By weaving security into the fabric of your DevOps pipeline, you can catch vulnerabilities and compliance issues before they become critical. 

Britive's 2023 Cloud Access Report highlights how organizations that adopt early security integration are better positioned to respond to emerging threats swiftly. Implement security controls as code, perform automated security scans during CI/CD pipelines, and enforce security policies through infrastructure as code (IAC). This not only enhances security but also saves time and resources by preventing issues downstream. 

3. Leverage Automation and Orchestration 

Manual security processes are akin to trying to catch a speeding train on foot. Automation and orchestration are your allies in the quest for streamlined DevOps security. The 2023 Britive Report notes that organizations automating their security processes have seen a marked reduction in security incidents. 

Automate routine security tasks such as vulnerability scanning, compliance checks, and access provisioning. Incorporate security into your CI/CD pipeline with tools like Jenkins, Travis CI, or GitLab CI/CD. Orchestration tools like Kubernetes and Ansible can help ensure consistent security configurations across your environment. 

By automating and orchestrating these tasks, you free up your security teams to focus on strategic initiatives and respond promptly to emerging threats. 

4. Implement Continuous Monitoring and Threat Detection 

Cyber threats are evolving at an alarming rate, and static security measures are no longer sufficient. DevOps security demands continuous monitoring and real-time threat detection. Britive's 2023 Report underscores the importance of continuous vigilance in today's threat landscape. 

Deploy robust security information and event management (SIEM) solutions to monitor your environment for suspicious activities. Leverage threat intelligence feeds to stay ahead of emerging threats. Implement user and entity behavior analytics (UEBA) to detect anomalous user behavior. 

Continuous monitoring not only helps you identify threats promptly but also provides valuable insights into your DevOps security posture, allowing you to make informed decisions and adjustments. 

5. Foster a Culture of Collaboration 

DevOps security is not just about tools and processes; it's a cultural shift. Collaboration between development, operations, and security teams is paramount. According to Britive's report, organizations that prioritize cross-functional collaboration are more resilient to security challenges. 

Break down silos and encourage open communication between teams. Establish clear roles and responsibilities for security within the DevOps pipeline. Conduct regular security training for developers and operations personnel to increase security awareness. 

A collaborative culture fosters collective responsibility for security and ensures that security considerations are woven into every stage of the development process. 


DevOps security is not an optional add-on but an integral part of modern software development. To streamline DevOps security effectively, tech decision-makers must embrace Zero Trust principles, shift security left, leverage automation and orchestration, implement continuous monitoring and threat detection, and foster a culture of collaboration. 

These five simple yet powerful strategies, as highlighted by Britive's 2023 Cloud Access Report, can help organizations achieve the delicate balance between speed and safety in their DevOps journey. By following these principles, innovative tech leaders can secure their DevOps pipelines and drive a culture of security-conscious development, ensuring that the future remains bright, agile, and secure.