Cloud PAM platform
without the gaps


Born in the cloud, Britive's Cloud Privileged Access Management (CPAM) platform is engineered to cater to the dynamic nature of permissions in modern cloud-forward environments for both human and non-human identities across cloud, hybrid, and on-prem environments.






We act as a single, easy-to-use interface to simplify privileged access management across complex modern environments. Our API-first design natively integrates with existing tools, cloud environments, and traditional resources to ensure a streamlined user experience. 

Unify access management controls, workflows, and security policies for both human and non-human identities (NHIs) across any system or infrastructure. Our single platform works with any public cloud, private or hybrid cloud, or on-premises resources including self-hosted and SaaS/DaaS applications. 

Protect your critical assets with dynamic, temporary just-in-time (JIT) elevated access controls and contextualized identity visibility, reducing risk while enhancing compliance and agility across cloud, hybrid, and on-prem environments.

Modern Cloud Solutions

Why We Built Britive

The Problem

The Solution


Traditional PAM solutions struggle to manage the dynamic nature of permissions in modern cloud environments. Static, long-lived credentials increase the risk of breaches and operational inefficiency.


Britive’s CPAM offers patented just-in-time (JIT) elevated access, decoupling authentication from authorization and granting temporary permissions only when needed to minimize risks and improve security.


Managing permissions across multiple cloud providers is complex. Cloud-native roles and permissions are very different across all cloud providers, and traditional PAM solutions are unable to manage them in a unified and cost-effective way—if at all.


Britive’s CPAM solution was built to specifically to handle the differing role and permission structures across cloud providers. We make it simple to create fine-grained access policies for human and non-human identities, applying temporary, elevated access for each action, minimizing the risk of over-permissioning.


Security, engineering, and operations teams face difficulties in unifying identity and access management across diverse resource and infrastructure configurations, each with its own roles, permissions, and workflows. Traditional PAM solutions can’t handle these diverse environments effectively and don’t work well with existing teams’ tools and workflows, leading to friction and inefficiencies.


Britive unifies permission and access management across any infrastructure—public cloud, private or hybrid cloud, on-premises, self-hosted, or SaaS applications—through a single platform, providing seamless, centralized control to simplify compliance and enhance operational efficiency. An open API and best of breed CLI tool makes it easy to work with your preferred development and deployment toolsets and workflows.


We build trust

Customer Stories

"Britive takes the pain out of manual provisioning and preventing user errors that could otherwise be very costly. With Britive, we make sure that certain privileges don't go to very new junior developers with production access.

[ Sameer Patwardhan ]

SVP Technology, Forbes

"Britive finally solves the unique access management challenges for cloud applications and infrastructure."

[ Yassir Abousselham ]

CISO, Splunk

"Britive’s cloud-native privileged access solution and unified access model provides a huge advantage for our DevSecOps initiatives."

[ Dustin Goodwin ]

Head of Cyber Security, Nayya

"Britive provides complete visibility, enforcement of expanded access privileges, and automated privilege reduction when no longer required, to reduce risk."

[ Terence Runge ]

CISO, Reltio

"Britive’s API-first platform for dynamic privilege management fits naturally with microservices-based cloud applications and infrastructure."

[ Andrew Peterson ]

CEO, Signal Sciences

Signal Sciences

The Britive Difference

Redefining Access Management for Modern Environments

Move Beyond Authentication

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Traditional access management typically treats authentication and authorization as a single unit. Because of this, many PAM solutions focus on vaulting credentials and rotating passwords, controlling access to statically assigned privileges.

Secure Authorization, Eliminate Static Access

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Britive separates authentication from authorization to eliminate static access entirely. Permissions are granted upon request and revoked automatically based on security policy.

True Zero Trust

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End-users get the access they need just-in-time (JIT) while maintaining zero standing privileges (ZSP). Credentials become less valuable targets for attackers, with little to no access to sensitive data or resources in the environment.

Security Guardrails for Continued Innovation

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Self-service access requests, approval workflows, and granular access profiles enable security without slowing down productivity. Britive integrates seamlessly with existing tools and workflows to enable innovation with security guidelines in place.


Resources & Environments

Dynamic, Ephemeral Cloud PAM Anywhere

Britive’s suite of capabilities and integrations gives businesses the ability to implement secure PAM access anywhere

Any Cloud

Any Cloud

SaaS, DaaS, IaaS...

Servers, Physical & Virtual

Servers, Physical & Virtual

Linux, Windows, macOS



Oracle, MySQL, Postgres...



K8s, AKS, GKE, EKS, Anthos, OpenShift...

Private & Hybrid Networks

Private & Hybrid Networks

VPC, On-Prem, Endpoint, Clusters...

Internal Applications

Internal Applications

Homegrown, Legacy, Productivity...


Britive’s Cloud PAM
Platform Meets the Needs
of Both Security and Business Teams

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Security Teams

Security Teams

Achieve least privilege access and zero standing access with our patented ephemeral JIT ermissioning. Access is truly temporary, since it doesn’t exist until a user needs it.

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Engineering, Ops Teams

Engineering, Ops Teams

Built API-first and cloud-native, Britive integrates seamlessly with cloud and traditional infrastructure, CI/CD processes, container orchestration solutions, SaaS, DaaS, IaC, and other tools that teams utilize today.

Trusted by Industry Leaders


Case studies

Britive in the Real World







Forbes Saves Costs & Removes Standing Privileges to Align with Zero Trust Security

From Siloed Chaos to Unified Access Control: Britive Future-Proofs Cloud Access for Scientific Equipment and Services Leader

Fortune 500 Retail Giant Eliminates Standing Access Across Growing Cloud Footprint






< 30 min

Static Privileges Eliminated

Standing admin roles eliminated

Static privileges eliminated across all cloud providers

Identity profiles managed in GCP

Developers across AWS and GCP received automated access

Total on and off-boarding time, reduced from 3 days